Marker Tags

It is also possible to declare markers. Markers have no physical connection to the field. There are three types of markers, i.e. digitals, analogues and text.  Functions for digital outputs can also be used for digital markers. This also applies to

Visual Studio

The base for development of the applications is Visual Studio and VS Micro. Visual Studio is used for creating/maintenance of AFSM solutions. Below some installation hints for the software. Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 install (download installer from MicroSoft side) When installed,

Board behaviour

The on-board LED -Pin 13- is reserved for the presentation of some basic behaviour of the MEGA and DUE board. In case of the ESP32,  pin GPIO13 can be attached to a LED to visualize the described behaviour. See also

AFSM Functions

This paragraph describes all available user functions for the sketch. All these functions and procedures can be called in the user part of the sketch.  The monitor/overview functions are specially usefull for debugging code while writing a FSM and presenting

Set board time (ser. monitor)

Set board time; generate the epoch unixtime (GMT) by refreshing this page With the “T”<unix-time-stamp>  option in the help menu you can set the system time on the board.  There are some extra functions when a RTC[1] shield of type DS1307 is connected

Arduino standard serial monitor

The standard serial monitor is used for communication with the Arduino board (channel 0) and can be started in the standard IDE environment. There are some extra useful help functions build in for service and debugging. When typing “h” as input,

Sensors and modules

FYI. For every type of I/O and for some specific sensors, the standard declares control modules. A control module is made per I/O point or better for every tag. The control module keeps meta info, like the name of the

I/O pin assigments

Remark: This description is about release 1.0 of the AFSM. Since january 2019 release 2.0 is availlable. The great difference between rel 1.0 and 2.0 is the declaration of the I/O points. The 2.0 release contains an extra application for defining

I/O configuration tool

Configuration tool The new configuration tool is available in the download section of the website; release AFSM 2.x. The tool is part of the second release of the Arduino Finite State Machine software. The second release of the AFSM exist