For communication between the board and a remote device, the following messages are available:
- CAN (Cancel polling)
- CDB (Clear logging bit DataBase)
- CHM (Clear all HMI polling)
- CLT (Cycle time of the board)
- FAO (Force analogue output)
- FDO (Force digital output)
- FMT (Force Marker Text)
- FSM (FSM status information)
- FSO (Force servo)
- GMI (Get Meta Information)
- JM0 (Hard reset)
- MAI (Mask analogue input)
- MDI (Mask digital input)
- PAI (Poll analogue status)
- PDI (Poll digital status)
- RAM (Free RAM in bytes)
- RDB (Report to DataBase)
- RDC (Request digital changes)
- RFS (Reset Fault Status)
- RMM (Remove mask)
- RTA (Reset to Automatic)
- SAI (Single request for analogue status)
- SDI (Single Request for digital status)
- THM (Time from HMI Master)
- TIM (The time on the board)
- UPT (send uptime of board)
- WTD (Watchdog)